Saturday, 20 December 2014

Class of 2014 Graduation

"I'm gonna miss you..."
-Words from one of the Year Eights, now Year Nines.

We looked back on the memories the Year Eights had to share. The video was put together by the fabulous Whaea Petra and Mr Wong, and can be screened below:

The Class of 2014 Graduation Ceremony was held on Thursday, the 11th of December, a day before the last day for the year. Filled with memories and rejoice, and not to forget, a few tears from some people, the Year Eights, or the audience. But remember, these are times of celebration, and what a celebration it was.

The Year Sevens were one of the many who were partly emotional through the ceremony. One Year Seven said, and in their words, "So sad to see my babies go...". No explanation for that saying at all. 

While the Year Sevens were in some sadness and some happiness bumps, the group in the middle of it all, the Year Eights, were a bit emotional too. Mavis, one of the Class of 2014, made an unscheduled end to her Year Eight speech, but some would say that it was quite "metaphoric" and still, even with the different choice of words, it was "still a great way to end a speech".

A performance by the School Band and that was the end of the Class of 2014 Graduation Ceremony.

Only thing left to do, now...

Look through the photos of the graduation...

Here is a link to the album.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Kokako Lodge Camp 2014

Welcome to another post looking back at the year that was 2014.

GREAT GROUP: The two year levels sit and relax for a
period of time
The Kokako Lodge Camp was held earlier this term in 2014, in the Hunua ranges. Involving the Year Seven and Eights of Tamaki Primary. For four days, in separate groups, they were involved in activities such as abseiling (the act of using rope to safely control the way down to another point below, if that makes sense), archery (an act of shooting an arrow to a target, and some have shot the target, target being a bullseye), kayaking (the act of crossing streams and waters with a kayak, while also controlling the currents (?)), and many more.

Not only were there survival skills learnt, but also, the group of Year 7&8s hosted a Fiafia night in the lodge area. Some said, and I report, that some groups were really outstanding with their performances. Don't know which group, but I heard a lot of talk about the group, Express, or Xpress, or something like that.

Click the video below about the 2014 Camp...

Also take a look at some of these photos taken from the Kokako Lodge camp...

ARRAY OF ARROWS: A group of students participate
in the archery course
themselves for the raft building challenge

HUNUA FALLS: An amazing panoramic photo, indeed
HE SHOT THE TARGET: Student Sau, here, stands
next to what looks like his shot at the archery course
ABSEILING JOHN: In this photo we see John on the abseiling
course. At least I suspect it's the abseiling course...

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Fiafia Night

Welcome back now to another flashback in the year that was 2014. Although it's hardly near the point of New Years, I though I'd post a few unforgettable moments in the year that was...2014!

The Tamaki Primary Po Fiafia Night that was held in April. The outcome by parents and whanau was astounding, the performances and final products were astounding, but that wasn't all. The end, the total money raised in just one night...

At least $1,400!

Starting with a welcome speech by Mrs Kelly, and then after, it began. After a short but sweet break from the first few performances, it was back into the spotlight for some groups. With more than 5 performances shown on the night, there was no doubt that some people received money. With then turned out to be donations for the Year Seven and Eight camp, which was also successful.

The video below shows one of the highlights of the night. The Tongan Group.

For their performance, see below.

Tongan FifFia night group from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

Also, take a look at some of the pictures taken on the night!


And a little pic from the first day of Term Three...

The T.P.S Market Day

Taking a look back in the year of 2014, I, as a part-reporter, of course, decided to talk about one event that happened in Tamaki Primary.

The Market Day was a day to showcase, not only performances performed by some of our most talented and most greatest students in the school, but the outcome of the learning and the products the students produced.

It was a hard and long day. Despite weather reports suggesting it would rain on the day, it turned out to be quite lovely, and it was great news. For everyone. Especially the reporter of the day, ahem, yours truly, Willy, 2014 Student Councillor, and reporter of the video below.

Thank you, to the editor who made this video possible. It may have taken a long time to make the whole video, but thank you for the hard work of putting all the footage together.

I would like to credit Quitah and Tanisslous, who helped with the filming and photos. Mostly filming. It was an amazing day for everyone, if you ask me!

The whole video is below:

End of School Year!

This is it!

School's done and dusted for 2014! A relief for the teachers, if you know what I mean...

We are farewelling two wonderful teachers, Mr Wong and Miss May, who are sadly leaving us for a while.

HomeHave a great time over the Christmas break, and the New Years, and the overall Summer break! Auckland's experiencing some weather issues but it'll be fine, hopefully.

Get plenty of rest and a dose of coolness for the holidays, and come back to school in 2015! Huzzah!

It has been said that the Year Eights are leaving Tamaki Primary for their new journeys in college. Hope for the best and get ready!

2015...bring it on!
-Tamaki Primary News Crew, mostly Willy, one of the reporters, but also the T.P.S News Crew.