Saturday, 20 December 2014

Class of 2014 Graduation

"I'm gonna miss you..."
-Words from one of the Year Eights, now Year Nines.

We looked back on the memories the Year Eights had to share. The video was put together by the fabulous Whaea Petra and Mr Wong, and can be screened below:

The Class of 2014 Graduation Ceremony was held on Thursday, the 11th of December, a day before the last day for the year. Filled with memories and rejoice, and not to forget, a few tears from some people, the Year Eights, or the audience. But remember, these are times of celebration, and what a celebration it was.

The Year Sevens were one of the many who were partly emotional through the ceremony. One Year Seven said, and in their words, "So sad to see my babies go...". No explanation for that saying at all. 

While the Year Sevens were in some sadness and some happiness bumps, the group in the middle of it all, the Year Eights, were a bit emotional too. Mavis, one of the Class of 2014, made an unscheduled end to her Year Eight speech, but some would say that it was quite "metaphoric" and still, even with the different choice of words, it was "still a great way to end a speech".

A performance by the School Band and that was the end of the Class of 2014 Graduation Ceremony.

Only thing left to do, now...

Look through the photos of the graduation...

Here is a link to the album.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Kokako Lodge Camp 2014

Welcome to another post looking back at the year that was 2014.

GREAT GROUP: The two year levels sit and relax for a
period of time
The Kokako Lodge Camp was held earlier this term in 2014, in the Hunua ranges. Involving the Year Seven and Eights of Tamaki Primary. For four days, in separate groups, they were involved in activities such as abseiling (the act of using rope to safely control the way down to another point below, if that makes sense), archery (an act of shooting an arrow to a target, and some have shot the target, target being a bullseye), kayaking (the act of crossing streams and waters with a kayak, while also controlling the currents (?)), and many more.

Not only were there survival skills learnt, but also, the group of Year 7&8s hosted a Fiafia night in the lodge area. Some said, and I report, that some groups were really outstanding with their performances. Don't know which group, but I heard a lot of talk about the group, Express, or Xpress, or something like that.

Click the video below about the 2014 Camp...

Also take a look at some of these photos taken from the Kokako Lodge camp...

ARRAY OF ARROWS: A group of students participate
in the archery course
themselves for the raft building challenge

HUNUA FALLS: An amazing panoramic photo, indeed
HE SHOT THE TARGET: Student Sau, here, stands
next to what looks like his shot at the archery course
ABSEILING JOHN: In this photo we see John on the abseiling
course. At least I suspect it's the abseiling course...

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Fiafia Night

Welcome back now to another flashback in the year that was 2014. Although it's hardly near the point of New Years, I though I'd post a few unforgettable moments in the year that was...2014!

The Tamaki Primary Po Fiafia Night that was held in April. The outcome by parents and whanau was astounding, the performances and final products were astounding, but that wasn't all. The end, the total money raised in just one night...

At least $1,400!

Starting with a welcome speech by Mrs Kelly, and then after, it began. After a short but sweet break from the first few performances, it was back into the spotlight for some groups. With more than 5 performances shown on the night, there was no doubt that some people received money. With then turned out to be donations for the Year Seven and Eight camp, which was also successful.

The video below shows one of the highlights of the night. The Tongan Group.

For their performance, see below.

Tongan FifFia night group from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

Also, take a look at some of the pictures taken on the night!


And a little pic from the first day of Term Three...

The T.P.S Market Day

Taking a look back in the year of 2014, I, as a part-reporter, of course, decided to talk about one event that happened in Tamaki Primary.

The Market Day was a day to showcase, not only performances performed by some of our most talented and most greatest students in the school, but the outcome of the learning and the products the students produced.

It was a hard and long day. Despite weather reports suggesting it would rain on the day, it turned out to be quite lovely, and it was great news. For everyone. Especially the reporter of the day, ahem, yours truly, Willy, 2014 Student Councillor, and reporter of the video below.

Thank you, to the editor who made this video possible. It may have taken a long time to make the whole video, but thank you for the hard work of putting all the footage together.

I would like to credit Quitah and Tanisslous, who helped with the filming and photos. Mostly filming. It was an amazing day for everyone, if you ask me!

The whole video is below:

End of School Year!

This is it!

School's done and dusted for 2014! A relief for the teachers, if you know what I mean...

We are farewelling two wonderful teachers, Mr Wong and Miss May, who are sadly leaving us for a while.

HomeHave a great time over the Christmas break, and the New Years, and the overall Summer break! Auckland's experiencing some weather issues but it'll be fine, hopefully.

Get plenty of rest and a dose of coolness for the holidays, and come back to school in 2015! Huzzah!

It has been said that the Year Eights are leaving Tamaki Primary for their new journeys in college. Hope for the best and get ready!

2015...bring it on!
-Tamaki Primary News Crew, mostly Willy, one of the reporters, but also the T.P.S News Crew.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Film Festival '14

Schools in the Manaiakalani Cluster
were in the 7th Annual
Manaiakalani Film Festival
This year, the 7th Annual Manaiakalani Film Festival was held at Hoyts Cinemas in Sylvia Park, on what is the biggest movie screen in the world.

Schools from all around the Manaiakalani Cluster showcased films made from their students, with the help of technology and movie techniques.

We, as Tamaki Primary, showcased our films too, along with the other amazing yet short films!

To see our school movies made by our students, click below to watch them:

Tamaki Primary School

- We're So Fancy (Room 8)
- Along the Shore (Room 8)

- Turtle Tragedy (Room 4)
- Keep the Ocean Clean (Room 10)
- Taniwha (Room 1)
- Epic Rap Battle - Tagata o le Moana (Room 7)
- The Sea Turtle (Room 3)
- Nature Tastes Good! (Room 5)

But as said, we weren't the only school! Take a look at some of the other films from the other schools by clicking here. Be sure to post a comment on some of them!

Digging more into the students now, some were new to the Manaiakalani way of learning, some of them Year 8's, so, this Manaiakalani Film Festival would be their first film festival, and possibly their last, that is, if they go on to another college that is not in the Manaiakalani Cluster.

That's all for now, stay on the Tamaki Way!

Friday, 26 September 2014

Term 3 Holidays!

Term Three is done! Hooray! One more term until the end of the year! But, of course, it'll be the last term for the Year 8's. We'll bring out the tissues on the last day...

In these holidays be sure to keep safe, as you only have 2 weeks. 2 weeks, I say. School does not start on October 21st. October the 13th. Sorry to spoil your holiday already.

Alrighty then, let's get into the fun, shall we?

Dont forget, Daylight Savings starts probably today! Or Sunday morning!

All the best,
-The Tamaki Primary News Team

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Waitangi Trip

On Monday 1st of September the Student Council along with some other students of Tamaki Primary went to Waitangi. A group of students at our school created a movie about why 'The Treaty Of Waitangi Is Still Relevant To Us Today'. We were lucky enough to come second. This trip was sponsored by the wonderful bank of Westpac. It was Such an amazing Experience. Take a look at the wonderful things we did and our highlights. Hope You Enjoy!!!

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Weather T3W7

Term Three, Week Seven

Goodbye Winter, hello Spring! Here is the weather brought to you by the Tamaki Primary News Team.

Monday 1st September:
Sunrise: 6:43 a.m
Sunset: 6:00 p.m

undefinedIt's not spring without a few showers in the morning! Chances of rain across Auckland is expected to rise and to drop throughout the day, big chances! Let us just be thankful the north easterly winds will ease down to a big, but still nice, 23 kilometres per hour. We might not see the sun clearly since cloud will probably block it, and the evening after may also be filled of clouds.

High: 15 or 18 degrees Celsius
Low: 11 or 13 degrees Celsius

Tuesday 2nd September:
Sunrise: 6:41 a.m
Sunset: 6:01 p.m

undefinedundefinedTuesday, unlike Monday, has a few showers, but will be having small chances of rain, probably 10% or 20%. Even with these types of chances, we still have 90% or 80% of the full day of no rain. Of course, there are showers, as said here, and a few clouds, with the evening being cloudy or clear. Light easterlies go up to about 19 kilometres per hour.

High: 17 degrees Celsius
Low: 9 or 8 degrees Celsius

Wednesday 3rd September:
Sunrise: 6:40 a.m
Sunset: 6:02 p.m

undefinedWednesday has a few showers in the morning or day, but will soon pass. We have only a 10% chance of having rain, but don't worry, 10% of rain means, 90% clear skies. Light winds reach up to 16 kilometres per hour as it goes into the night.

High: 16 or 17 degrees Celsius
Low: 13-10 degrees Celsius

Thursday 4th September:
Sunrise: 6:38 a.m
Sunset: 6:03 p.m

undefinedundefinedThursday is almost similar to Tuesday and Monday combined. It's overcast for us, with rain probably turning into rain as the day goes by. Winds are rising drastically, some gusts would go up to 37 kilometres per hour. Later in the evening, the gusts will ease down to a slow, yet fast, 18 kilometres per hour. At night, it will be partly cloudy, but, if there's a chance, clear, but if not, partly cloudy for the night.

High: 17-20 degrees Celsius
Low: 11-14 degrees Celsius

Friday 5th September:
Sunrise: 6:37 a.m
Sunset: 6:03 p.m

Chance of a
To end the school week, it is the same as Thursday, Tuesday, and Monday combined. Some sunshine with a few showers. Small but still high chances of rain, reaching up to 30% of rain for the day. Northwesterly winds are expected to reach up to 24 degrees in the daytime, but will ease down to a small 6 kilometres per hour.

That is your weather for your school week. Thank you for reading.

Images are not my own. Remember, in nearly every Weather Report, it is not guaranteed, nor will come true. If it is true, and the weather goes as planned, thank this report if you read this to check the weather. If it does not come to true, nor goes as planned, do not blame this report for not getting it right. This is a report made on behalf of the Tamaki Primary School News crew and team, and has been written by one of the crew, Willy. Thank you for reading this small text. 

Friday, 29 August 2014

Slapped Cheek

There has been an outbreak of Slapped Cheek at schools in Auckland.

Slapped Cheek is a common childhood illness that affects children mostly under the age of 10. It causes bright red cheeks - like you've been slapped. It is a mild disease and most children experience only mild symptoms such as:

  1. Low grade fever
  2. Chills
  3. Headache
  4. Body ache
  5. Sore throat
  6. Diarrhea
These symptoms improve after 3-7 days and then a rash develops. It is spread by close contact, coughing, and sneezing, so encourage your children to cover their mouths when coughing and to wash their hands.
  • The rash starts with firm, bright red cheeks that are burning hot (hence the name 'Slapped Cheek')
  • A fine, red, lace-like rash then develops on the child's body, arms and legs
  • The rash may be itchy and may seem to fade away and flare up when the child is hot or upset
  • The rash usually lasts up to 2 weeks, but may last up to 6 weeks
  • Slapped Cheek is a virus so there is no specific treatment
Our school nurse suggests you keep your child at home because Slapped Cheek is infectious before it is diagnosed, and to provide:
  1. Rest
  2. Panadol to relieve fever
  3. Cold flannels to cheeks (comfort)
  4. Encourage oral fluids
It is important to avoid contact with pregnant woman in first trimester of pregnancy (can cause iron deficiency & miscarriage) and people who have a low immunity.

Call Healthline: 0800 611 116 - for more advice if required.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Weather T3W6

Term Three, Week Six

Monday 25th:
Sunrise: 6:52 a.m
Sunset: 5:55 p.m

Starting the school week off on Monday, it's going to be quite a sunny day for all of us in Auckland. Winds up to 11 kilometres per hour. Chances of parts of the day to be partly cloudy, but other than that, it will be a sunny day. No chances of rain for the whole day.

High: 14 or 15 degrees Celsius
Low: 5 degrees

Tuesday 26th:
Sunrise: 6:51 a.m
Sunset: 5:55 p.m

For Tuesday. The day starts cold, but ends sort of warm. It will be mainly fine, with some really, really, really light winds, or a breeze, possibly 3 or 5 kilometres per hour. Only some chance of rain in the evening, but besides that, a normal, almost windless day for us. 

High: 14 or 15 degrees Celsius
Low: 5 degrees Celsius

Wednesday 27th:
Sunrise: 6:50 a.m
Sunset: 5:56 p.m

Sam as Monday and Tuesday, it will start cold and end sort of warm. Wind speeds go up a little higher, such as 6 and 8 kilometres per hour. No chance of rain at all for the whole day. Yay! 

High: 14 or 15 degrees Celsius
Low: 5 or 9 degrees Celsius

Thursday 27th:
Sunrise: 6:48 a.m
Sunset: 5:57 p.m

Cloudy at first, but the clouds give way to sun on this day. No chance of rain at all for Thursday. The day also starts cold and ends warm. Clouds and sun arrive in the afternoon, but then that ends up as being cloudy or mostly cloudy for the evening. Easterly wind speeds go more higher now, as much as 13 to 14 kilometres per hour. 

High: 14 or 15 degrees Celsius
Low: 8 or 10 degrees Celsius

Friday 28th:
Sunrise: 6:47 a.m
Sunset: 5:58 p.m

Begins cold, ends warm. To end the week, it will be cloudy, morning and afternoon. In the evening a chance of some showers, and then showers overnight. Easterlies go up to more than 23 kilometres per hour, but will ease down through the afternoon and evening.

High: 15 degrees Celsius
Low: 11 degrees Celsius, or lower

There's the weather for the week. Enjoy your week!

Images are not my own. Forecasts may not be guaranteed, nor come true, nor even make sense. Other than that, these are the predictable outcomes for the week. Data collected from three sites or more, may or may not change throughout the current week. Words are from the author himself, Willy. Enjoy. 

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Weather Report - Term 3 Week 5


We're halfway through the term! Hooray! Here's the weather by Willy.

Monday 18th August:
Sunrise: 7:01 a.m
Sunset: 5:49 p.m

undefinedThe weather for Monday is a bit odd than usual in the last month of Winter. Starting with cloud, then, ending with cloud. Wind speeds reach up to 8 or 9 kilometres per hour for some time in the day. A normal day today. No chances of rain, also.

High temperature: 14-16 degrees Celsius in the daytime
Low temperature: 8 or 9 degrees Celsius throughout the night

Tuesday 19th August:
Sunrise: 7:00 a.m
Sunset: 5:50 p.m

undefinedMoving along to Tuesday, it's cloudy for part of the day, with rain developing as it reaches into the afternoon, and overnight. North eastern winds start out soft at 16 kilometres per hour before noon, but will then push up into 27 kilometres and onwards throughout the rest of the day/night.

High temperature: 14-16 degrees Celsius throughout the day
Low temperature: 12 degrees Celsius overnight

Wednesday 20th August:
Sunrise: 6:59 a.m
Sunset: 5:51 p.m

undefinedOn Wednesday, we might have chances of a storm coming to our school, people, with periods of rain, but don't worry, the winds will go down to 13 kilometres per hour later in the evening.

High: 17 or 18 degrees Celsius through the daytime
Low: 10 or 12 degrees Celsius through the nighttime

Thursday 21st August:
Sunrise: 6:58 p.m
Sunset: 5:51 p.m

undefinedThursday. The day before the day before the weekend. Starting with a mostly cloudy morning, it will be clear for part of the day, well, mostly sunny throughout the day. Winds reach up to 21 or 23 kilometres per hour, making your evening a bit breezy.

High: 15 or 16 degrees Celsius
Low: 5 or 6 degrees Celsius overnight

Friday 22nd August:
Sunrise: 6:56 a.m
Sunset: 5:52 p.m

undefinedFriday! Friday! It's might be sunny on Friday! Though it may not be guaranteed, as said in previous reports, it could be sunny through the whole day, with no rain at all. South easterlies will reach up to 24 kilometres per hour, but will decrease as the day moves on. A nice way to end the school week, a sunny day.

High: 12 or 13 degrees Celsius
Low: 4 or 8 degrees Celsius

That is the weather for the school week. Your welcome.

Images are not my own. Results may vary.

Monday, 11 August 2014

'Perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun System' Report

Supermoon in New Zealand.

The perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun System, or in this case, the supermoon.

The moon filled our skies on Sunday night, and early Monday morning. It was the second of three supermoons to be with us this year. Across the world people have been staying up or watching to see the moon, as it was said to be the closest to earth in its orbit in 20 years, so it was not an opportunity to miss. Unless, you missed out.

What is a supermoon?
A supermoon is the coincidence between a full moon or a new moon with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its oval orbit.

With this happening it has been claimed to be responsible for large earthquakes and tsunamis (the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami and the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami), but so far, there has been no evidence for this theory.

Some people around the world predicted the end of the world as the supermoon was coming, but don't worry, we're still here!

At exactly 6:25 in the morning, I saw the moon, bigger than before, after being informed from the news. With the sun shining on the other side, it looked magnificent.

Another time was about 5:45 earlier that morning, but I had missed that time since I had went back to sleep mode.

The next supermoon will occur on September the 9th or September the 28th, it's not certain but you never know! It may be happening right now (actually, it's not)...

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Flu Notice

Hello, everyone!

I am pointing out that since this is the last month of winter, doesn't mean we are away from the flu! Yes, it's true! This is for you! So, this post will be about being ready for one more month! Hooray!

Want a short quiz, here are some questions...

  1. Had a sudden start to the flu? Yes / No
  2. Suffering from a fever? Yes / No
  3. Experienced a headache or two recently? Yes / No
  4. Coughing more than usual? Yes / No
  5. Having muscle aches sometimes? Yes / No

If you have answered "yes" to either one or more of these questions, you may be having the early symptoms of influenza. Beware, going untreated may lead to giving the symptoms to another person, and if that happens, well, you will know if this does happen, so be careful this month, please.

To stay well away from getting influenza:

  1. Have the flu vaccine
  2. Wash and dry hands often
  3. Stay away from people who are sick
  4. Stay away from work or school if unwell
  5. Cover coughs and sneezes
  6. Do not share germs with others (share food already bitten, bottles already drank)

On another note:

Have you suffered from a mild fever?
What about a mild headache?
Had a blocked or runny nose in the past few weeks?
Had a cough sometimes for no reason?

If you had said "yes" to one or more to these questions, you might as well have a cold, but don't worry, you'll be fine! I hope...

Also, we might be expecting to have some cold days for this month so it's best to stay warm. Wear a jumper and track pants. It's the latest fashion!

That is all for now. Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, 16 July 2014


School will be back on Monday, the 21st of July!

Get ready as we head into Term Three. Past the halfway mark. Come to school prepared and ready to learn, and also, refreshed, so we don't hold on to the holiday feeling, and we all know we can't let go of that feeling. Who knows what will happen this term?

Don't forget this day!

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Weather for Term Two, Week Eight

Here is the weather by Willy.

With a high of 14 degrees celsius, Monday will have a 20% chance of rain, but luckily for us, that chance will lower down back to 0% later in the evening. Other than that, fine for the day. Eastern winds reach up to 19 km/h. Lowest temperature: 12 degrees celsius.

Tuesday is mostly fine for us in Auckland as we have a cloudy but sunny day, with a 10% chance of rain, but don't worry, we still have 90% of the whole day rain-free. Northeastern winds go throughout the day, with the highest speeds going up to 27 km/h later in the evening. 16 degrees celsius could be the highest temperature, and 12 the lowest.

For Wednesday, we will expect an increasing chance of rain for the day (10% to 40%), but that won't ruin the day, as the chance of rain will ease down to just 30% for the rest of the evening. High temperature: 16 degrees. Lowest temperature: 14 degrees. Northern winds will reach up to 40 km/h.

Thursday. Chances of rain will start at 20% early in the morning, but, it will then ease down to just 10%, but that won't disrupt our day as it will be just mostly cloudy with high temperatures of 17 degrees celsius. Southern wind speeds reach up to 21 km/h.

A little shaky in Auckland, as we might have a chance of a storm. But, no need to worry and prepare a shelter, there is 80% of a storm not happening. Let's just hope it doesn't happen. Temperatures reach up to 16 degrees, then later in the evening, it will ease down to 14 degrees. Northwestern winds are likely to reach up to 29 km/h.

Weather outcome not guaranteed. If there is said storm on Friday 27th June, do say this Weather Report told you so.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Weather for Term 2 Week 7

Here is the week's weather.

0% chance of rain, but then that chance could possibly move up to 20% and higher, with northeastern wind speeds up to 34 km/h later in the evening. Highest temperature: 17 degrees celsius.

Partly cloudy for Tuesday in Auckland, with Northwestern wind speeds reaching up to 31 km/h. 10% chance of rain for most of the day. Main temperatures: 16 and 17 degrees celsius. Highest temperature: 17 degrees celsius.

Partly cloudy for most of Wednesday, with a 10% chance of rain. Southwesterly wind speeds reach up to between 23 and 26 km/h. Highest temperature: 14 degrees celsius.

For Thursday, we will experience 10% chance of rain for the day, which will then increase to about 30%. Western winds reach up to 45 km/h in the evening. Highest temperature: 14 degrees celsius.

On Friday we might experience a partly cloudy day, with a 10% chance of rain. But, we still have a 90% chance of a rainless day for Auckland. Southwesterlies will be strong, with speeds up to 47 km/h, but thankfully, that speed will ease down to just 18 km/h for the evening. Highest temperature: 14 degrees celsius.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Weekly Notices for Term Two, Week Seven

Weekly Notices
Term 2, Week 7 2014

Term 2 Week 7 2014:

Monday 16th June:
  • Enjoy the day with your teachers and friends!

Tuesday 17th June:
  • Another day, another lesson!

Wednesday 18th June:
  • Tamaki Primary's Rugby League teams will be attending a tournament held at Dunkirk Reserve.

Thursday 19th June:
  • Another new school weekday for this week. Have fun!

Friday 20th June:
  • Year 7/8 camp fundraiser - Mufti Day - Theme - Crazy Socks Day!

Monday, 9 June 2014

Weather Term Two Week Six

Here is the weather by Willy.


Monday: Auckland is to have rain forecasted for the day, with winds going up to 16 km/h. Highest temperature: 18 degrees celsius.


Tuesday: Chance of rain for the Auckland region, with wind speeds going up to 18 km/h.
Highest temperature: 16 degrees celsius.


Wednesday: The weather plays up on this day as the sun will be out for a small part of the day, with rain is taking up most of the day, and also, fog later in the night. Wind speeds go up to 39 km/h, but slows down to 18 km/h later in the night.
Highest temperature: 16 degrees celsius.


Thursday: We'll have a chance of sun for parts of Thursday, but we also have a chance of rain as well. Wind speeds up to 23 km/h, but then goes down to 19 km/h before the end of the night.
Highest temperature: 15 degrees celsius.


Friday: For the end of Week 6, we will experience sun but mostly cloudy day in Auckland for Friday with wind speeds going up to 19 km/h. A good end to a rainy week. Highest temperature: 16 degrees celsius.

Images by Google. Weather not guarenteed